must be CLOSED or the game will not function. fast! game will REQUIRE all the main connectors to be re-pinned. GTB Gottlieb System 80B MPU By Photopin (60 days ago) 1 71 dy. (or a broken trace on the driver board). further diagnose any coil problems. This should turn on power The line cord comes into the game and goes to line filter. replace them with new ones. Now that the lower fuse panel is all checked out, REMOVE the 25 volt solenoid fuse Note you can easily mis-bend switch blades. Press the coin door diagnostic button again, and Interestingly, Gottlieb did make some System1 titles in EM format too, way too small, and likely very worn out. The nearest pin to you (emitter) connects to the NON-banded diode side of the coil. Problem: Replaced spider chips U4 or U5 on CPU board with known good chip, but does not work. wil happen. of course, not only the coil and coil diode, but also all the silicon devices in its ground path. The only choice is to buy a new NiWumpf or Pascal This means there's issues with the driver board hardware. With late Gottlieb EM and System1 flipper, a bakelite flipper link was no longer used. is upon reassembly, one connector can be put on in reverse. These batteries die and leak their corrosive liquids easily, causing much a low-voltage (60 volt) score display. slightly glow and makes it hard to read the proper number. m> From: (mark) m> Date: 11 Jun 1995 01:16:53 GMT m> I own a 1975 Gottlieb pinball machine titled Fast Draw m> It is a four score machine. Don't try and give fuses a visual test! bottom electrolytic cap next to connector A1-J1. Attach the other end of the wire to a screw holding the metal The major difference is Gottlieb used DC voltage on all system1 flippers, Hence these two Rectifier diodes CR1 and CR2 are underrated too, and it's good to replace those Assuming the CPU board is booting, I didn't take any pictures of this last repair unfortunately so this is all I have, but you get the idea. you will need to repair the power supply before continuing. CPU lights can be continually cycled on and off. the user wants to proceed. this is another alternative way to test switches. But a new CPU spider chip should probably be socketed The tests are no different. Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). If the voltage shift gets up to .5 volts relative to the cabinet ground, There was only a black line on the cap to designate the negative lead New Battery for the Game-Over lamp goes through a Normally Closed switch Power at only one lug means the coil is open (replace coil This transistor tests the same in circuit and out of circuit. bakelite insulator boards under the playfield and away from the Dragon, Solar Ride, Countdown, Close Encounters, Charlie's Angels, Pinball Pool, Totem, if the battery backup is doing its job. using an oscilloscope or a logical probe, and there should be pulsing This is very important. filed smooth. the Game Over and Tilt relays, which in turn controlled a lamp.) Semi-CPU Controlled Lamps. means 200 volts, or "04" means 400 volts. If they don't, then the CPU board is NOTE 2: Any transistor that tests "bad" should also It's often Keep in mind that these score displays, with time, do go "dim", making them appear "bad." Parts shown in picture may be replaced with a compatible substitute. where AC was mostly used in the EM era (though some late EM Gottliebs This test will show for example all First so the spider legs (which are somewhat wide) don't stretch the SIPs away the water. Remove the wire from lug #7 (either yellow/red/red or white/brown), The Gottlieb Grounding Problem. And the NiWumpf display test also tests the 4-digit ball/credit display There are two backbox lamps that are The other switch tests described below won't give this information. There is usually a fuse for the pop bumpers because the playfield and plastics are black which was very difficult to light. Repeat this for audits 0 to 10. which goes over the basics of circuit board repair. to ground, this can cause a problem where the game looks to be "slammed tilted", go back to attract mode. If there's no Now move the following wires from the sound board connector to the chime box that require -12 volts. game on, its respective lamp should light. This should be 14 to 15 volts (with Q1 removed). If these fail they do not affect anything. the 11.5 vac supplied by the bottom board. the driver board, and J6/J7 for the switch matrix.) lighting power to the game. Ground Z28 pin 11 (input) and check pin 10 (output). This is definitely a bad thing, but should be kept available (Q3,Q4) on the driver board, there Hence if any of these single wires are manually grounded with the Insert the stripped The metal plunger, which slams into the coil stop with every flipper plunge, Why do that? (This assumes the J6 connector is in good shape, and the coin door slam switch is closed.) If we can simulate a coin switch closure, If a system1 game does have IDC connectors, someone probably This is all on the lower bottom panel. Gottlieb's EM games. Score display LED On? Gottlieb EM Tips - Flippers thing to suspect is the connector coming from the bottom edge of the CPU all the power on to the flippers, pop bumpers, slingshots without having to start a game. We count quality and customer service at the top of our list of priorities and we think our ever-growing amusement industry and game collector customer base would agree with us . Power should be seen at both lamp socket lugs (if Gottlieb in a bad situation - time was already working against them, and they This is used for a reference Low 60 Volts on the Power Supply. I personally find it nice to have LEDs showing that +5 volts and -12 volts This is really a problem on LED needs the 150 ohm resistor as a load, and the -12 volts needs the 560 ohm MB3502 or MB3504 lugged 35 amp 200 (or 400) volt bridge rectifier. . Bad Lamp - Check Simple Things First (Bulb & Socket.) as bad, but that's usually not the case in my experience. and sound verification of a switch closure.). Probe pins 2-7 (top left is pin 1) and 10-16 (top right is pin 9) The following 9 minute video describes what makes working on Gottlieb system1 This includes The second slam switch is also a Normally Closed switch, located at the end of the of the 5101 RAM, and the black lead on ground. That is, if the spider legs cause problems, My primary concentration is solid state games, but I also repair electromechanical games. a coil, check the CPU to driver board connector and the driver board transistor. As a diagnosing feature, with the game on and in "attract" mode (ready to take money and Another common problem are the two trimmer potentiometers begin to fail because of score displays: No power (power supply problem), Start a game, and it continuously and some rosin flux to re-tint the connector fingers coils (including the 10,100,1000 point sounds), and allow you to test the on the Tilt relay. the diode attached. at power-on). tool into the slot between the terminal pin and the plastic Rottendog Amusements power supply NO bridge rectifier for the 5/12 volt power. If the .156" single sided Molex connectors at the driver values from "000000" to "999999" in player1 and player3 score displays. *two* seconds before that switch number appears in the ball/credit attach an alligator clip to +5 volts (the positive/upper lead soldered into the CPU board. Also nearly See the lamp #36) in a quick progression. The best Power on and the ground J3 pin5 at the right side connector! it's not part of the switch matrix (though it does show up in the There are a couple of things that should be noted right off 8 volts AC power comes from the transformer But using the attract mode flicker switch test, often a parallel original PMD12K40 transistor is hard to find, but a common replacement on the back of the display glass if broken, the display is also unrepairable. These pages detail the process. I've ever seen, as the reaction time from switch closure to the Make sure game is off, and attach First there is the problem with ground between *cabinet* ground, and circuit Next the the Gottlieb system1/system80 board set was actually doing some testing (when in fact The MPS-A13 transistors are used for CPU controlled playfield lights. reassembling, to prevent moisture causing any corrosion and blowing input. on the CPU board. All system1 games have bad solenoid fuse or the power "daisy chain" is broken up-stream. two slam switches and the outhole switch. to the coils and flippers, and turns off the computer controlled If the coil resistance is still low, cut the diode off the coil and Home About Us Products History Links and Media Contact Gottlieb Products. (though expensive.) display is *not* tested in either test #10 or #11. (which by the way is a good product) or the new the flippers at the start of each new ball this is what would happen: 40% of the time the flippers would flip up and stay up just like they. Everything OK? Unregulated voltages (42/60 volts) can be higher than expected. Another substitue for the 2n5875 is the MJ2955, which is an inexpensive alternative. If the plug is set Put some grease on the surfaces before the "hold" side of the flipper coil. This will dissolve and wash The original Gottlieb System1 Game PROM is a bipolor PROM with a The switch matrix has eight rows (R0-R7) and five Or just check the bulb in question in one of the (Annie was made well after Gottlieb had changed to their If the system1 game has a sound board, this needs a common ground too, black "reset" button to clear the audit value. While the Tilt relay An often seen problem with the 60 volt supply (which also gets turned set to diode function (should see .4 to .6 volts.). The connectors power connector. off the top and bottom edges of the power supply board (respectively) also need to Do they come on right at power-on and "strobe"? The 5 volts should still be 5 volts (that is, the CPU it can be installed one pin off to the right or left. while a game is played. Weird stuff, but that's how the blue Futaba score displays work. Socketing Spider Chips. (U1 11660-CF was the main processor, and U2 10696-EE was the second processor). Keep in mind thsat Gottlieb was all about EXPORT at that time. Mr. Pinball Repair Tip Archive 1972 Gottlieb single-player start up sequence (Flying Carpet 03-72) 1973 Gottlieb 4-player start up sequence (Jack in the Box 05-73) 1974 Gottlieb 4-player start up sequence (Magnotron 08-74) 1975 Gottlieb 2-player start up sequence (Out of Sight 01-75) 1975 Gottlieb 4-player start up sequence (Super Soccer 03-75) the coil, or replace the coil. Problem: Game goes to "GAME OVER" during play for no apparent reason. rule computer code for the CPU board. whether the Z23 PROM is installed or not. Disconnect J6 and J7 (switch matrix) connectors too. (U1 11660-CF was the main processor, and U2 10696-EE was the second processor). mounting hardware. If this single connection has resistance (which Using the Diagnostic Test for the Switches. The coil power then goes to the playfield. Now take a logic probe and CPU board components and connectors. Test the BIG 9.1 ohm 1 watt resistor next to the 2n3055. A 18 volt zener diode CR12 (1N4746) is used to to the non-CPU controlled coils like the pop bumpers, slingshots and flippers. If not, the bulb or socket (or socket power) are bad. columns (S0-S4), for a total of 40 switches. isn't fast enough to "see" a dirty switch bounce open and closed. with at least 4A diodes. next to the knocker (where the chime box was previously mounted.). Gottlieb System 1 Cable - Boston Pinball Company Optional: Attach CPU board connector A1-J6 (bottom edge of CPU board, second no longer available). Another link in the chain is the cabinet flipper switches. lead on each leg one at a time. power on with all the coils and most of the CPU controlled lamps Common Switch Problems (the Easy Stuff.) As the test button is pressed, New here? means one of the power supply's four 1N4004 diodes used for rectifying this voltage is shorted. Step 3: Check the Driver board to Coil Wiring (Connectors). (IDC connectors were introduced with Gottlieb System80 games.) The computer can scan the strobe lines and look for a closure through sound board, which still used the same three driver board transistors to (Both should go high to 5 volts after about one second of power-on.) used A-5141 coils (no diode), while System 1 games (DC power) used a A-17875 coil is for +5 volts, and C17 is for -12 volts. (You can "dial in" that voltage if you so desire.) Gottlieb - Marco Pinball Parts We talked about this a little above in the CPU board repair section. These can be placed across Maintenance & Repair | Pinball Nirvana Heat the solder pad on the circuit board with a soldering iron, and pull the cut off lead out of the board. blown, obviously there won't be any power to the score display. transistor was a pre-driver for the larger playfield-mounted transistor, which Because system1 games do not have a free-play setting, Gottlieb Test PROM for Z23. Lamp sockets do go bad. Intermixed with the 5 volt circuit is the -12 volts DC. with the power OFF. connecting to its related transistor. Add to this that the bipolar PROM at Z23 is often A problem display can crash the system. When this cap dries If the installed memory cap doesn't seem to work (and it was end of the alligator test lead to the RIGHT leg of the transistor. Repair Services - Pinball Gurus It enables power to the playfield solenoids and flipper. however didn't do that - they mounted the switch diodes on small chips Z8 (strobes/columns, 7404) and Z9/Z28 (rows, 7405). Install a 3/4 amp fast blow fuse. Turn the portion of the wire into the new terminal pin. Finally add driver board connector J5 (more lamps), and power back up. (larger 2n6043 transistors) as pre-drivers for an underplayfield transistor, in the with each 74175 chip on the driver board controls four lamps. Before powering the game up, it's good to know if the power supply In the three first System1 games there was a three tone chime unit, as used in as such: 00-04, 10-14, 20-24, 30-34, 40-44, 50-54, 60-64, 70-74. In this There is too. The Gottlieb system1 (and system80) display glass boards can Unfortunately the original 6351 PROM is not readily available. Diagnostics/audit system1 games don't cycle the CPU lamps. The connectors along the bottom edge of the driver board *and* the to copper ground strip on the game's bottom panel or any metal These playfield mounted transistors added another indeed "dead". coil in question. This was convered in the coil resistance section, but it needs repeating. If the board has corrosion, the connectors will have going over a switch, then the scoring just keeps on going. game on and check for 42 and 60 volts. removed and the new spider installed. rectifier located next to the transformer, converting the voltage susko; Dec 21, 2011; Answers 2 Views 2K. during play, the ball will immediately drain (since there's no flipper or coil power). If this is the case, For example, require a good stern push into the connector housing. Best to do this test with the driver board removed. The molded plastic flipper link used on earlier System 1 games had a Next figure out which driver board transistor(s) control the Additionally there is a mica (clear) insulator that mounted between switch (End of Stroke), and a hold side of the coil which allows the player Often these Then use a solder sucker (Soldapulit) and de-solder the hole. Also check both legs of the crystal, and the same board (or under-the-playfield mounted transistor if used) as bad. game when you could buy a Stern or Bally, and move boards back and forth between games? The 5101 is three chips to the right of the Game PROM, TC1 and TC2 can be ignored as they are used for internal immediately blow the 1/4 bottom board fuse. in all the score displays. All bets not require a lot of work to make strong and snappy. it will immediately blow the freshly replaced driver board the metal case of the transistor (collector).
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