The general aching in your bones and muscles could well be associated with The publication StatPearls says that petechiae spots measure no larger than 2 or 3 mm across. Make a donation. But 10 years ago - when I was 17 - I rather suddenly could not walk due to excruciating pain in my sacroiliac joint. Copyright Anxiety Central 2011-2019 If they reappear and stay for longer than a few days I'd probably see a doctor/dermatologist, but it really doesn't sound like anything abnormal. Platelets are blood cells that form blood clots to help stop bleeding. Has anyone ever had petechiae after a sunburn like when you start feeling? Oh, lastly, born with a blood disorder, I wonder if anyone else posting here has one. Powered by Invision Community. Anyhow, he has been tested for every kind of blood disorder and they have all come back negative. I have had a few petechiae on and off for 2 months now, usually no more than a handful at a time. I have a ton of freckles tho so maybe didn't notice em right away. You should seek a doctors diagnosis for your petechiae so you can be treated for the underlying condition causing the symptom. Your doctor can recommend a treatment plan for the condition or advise you to keep an eye on them, as they may disappear on their own. Nickdon321, April 30, 2019 in Health Anxiety. (Thinking about volleyball, I only ever played that once, and as I dislocated my thumb doing it and my psycho gym teacher was completely grossed out by the sight of me popping it back in, I never had to play again, for which I was *extremely* glad - it was waaaaaay too painful for me.). At the time I was taking aspirin everyday due to dental issues. I almost always get huge stripes of them when I get my blood pressure taken. Also notice if I drink alot of alcohol or take aspirin I get tons, OK so let's connect some dots. I never associated it with something unusual. Starting to weird me out. He was not concerned about it at all. Webpetechiae anxiety forum. I was one of the lucky ones for whom that worked. Yes, I get them as well. Any connection to that with you? In December I broke out with hundreds of petechiae all over my tummy and chest. Blood work came out good. Doc had no explanation. Frustrating. They I never know when something's significant or if I'm just noticing things too closely. So I took it as an answer. As for the heart palpitations, thats pretty common with anxiety as scary as it feels.. perhaps try talking to your doctor about seeing a psychologist or starting medication to try to fight this depression/stress side of things? - I believe I bruise easily, and have two scars on my hand from a cat bite & a scar on my knee. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, considering the fact no entity has found a CAUSE for ME, much less a cure (with very good theories out there, & good results from some trmts), this site helps empower us all with our own "anecdotal" evidence. Tourniquet pressure such as from wearing a diaper or baby sling. :(. Petechiae is associated with thrombocytopenia. You cannot paste images directly. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I found this very interesting. information highlighted below and resubmit the form. It sounds like the ones on your legs went away when your anxiety subsided, so it could be a skin problem related to that? Difficulty in breathing Fever, without apparent cause, coldness in the legs, feet, and hands. They may do tests including: You might not need treatment if a low platelet count isnt causing significant issues. Yes had blood work and all was good. They did x-rays and a MRI scan and bloodwork. You must log in or register to reply here. While the x-rays did not show much the other test showed inflammation on a scale of 6/10. Bubbs21 Member Posts: 47. respect of any healthcare matters. I'm worried (as usual), and I have made a doctors appointment about it. Thank God for another member who posted on another support group board recently, or I still wouldnt know! Sorry, I wish I had an answer. They scare me every time I see them, I always tell my self I'm not gonna look anymore but then some caught my eye an *sigh* So I thought I'd weigh in what members with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome think. WebNeisseria meningiditis A leading source of community-acquired sepsis and meningitis Serogroup B in < 5 years Serogroups C, Y, and W135 in adolescents and adults US has historic low since quadrivalent conjugate vaccine Transmission through respiratory droplets or secretions Risk factors Age (younger than 1 year or between 15 and 24 years) We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. WebBruising in dogs is never normal, and signs of pinpoint bruises (called petechiae) or larger bruises (ecchymosis) warrant an immediate trip to your veterinarian. WTF? I'll have to bring it up to my doctor; thanks for pointing it out. My ob doctor didnt seem too concerned. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. They won't go away. Today I was at L&D due to a headache since Saturday but the nurses and doctor werent too concerned about it when I showed them. I'm worried (as usual), and I have made a doctors appointment about it. This is driving me insane and causes me so much stress and depressionIve gone to the doctors so much and they keep saying its nothing but i just cant believe them and constantly think im gonna die soon. The spots keep popping up on my biceps, arm pits and hips. youre not alone. Petechiae isn't technically a rash, but it is a skin disorder that occurs due to leukemia. Your link has been automatically embedded. He didn't have to crawl to the bathroom. I didn't show her the new spots today out of fear that my continued anxiety could cause her to take my concerns in the future less seriously, but after seeing that elevated value, I'm defnitely worried again. I started taking Prozac 2 months ago and in March I was feeling really h Petechiae here and there really aren't too much of a concern. I have battling depression & anxiety for many years. I finally had to have my spleen removed to fix the problem. If we combine this information with your protected We don't know what posts in which forum will trigger focused research on our part that might lead to quality of life again. They scare me every time I see them, I always tell my self I'm not gonna look anymore but then some caught my eye and I'm back to searching my body again, Mine started when I was 16 for some reason I had Lyme at the time but not sure if there related. George JN, et al. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Interestingly, the rubber band for the blood test that felt like it would cut through my arm left no marks. They do know a related condition, immune thrombocytopenia, affects 3 to 4 in 100,000 children and adults. Close top bar. I have bouts of increased anxiety like this as well. George JN, et al. appropriate medical assistance immediately. I just constantly look for the dang things, on legs cause of past break outs and of course I Google everything and main reason for them it says leukemia so constant anxiety. One of the most serious side effects of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) is C. difficile diarrhea. Web1. - Have never broken a bone. Things that have bothered me before, or even new things. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in adults: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis. Aplastic anemia occurs when the bodys bone marrow doesnt make enough new blood cells. I know your mind might say well that was last time and this time it's different.. but that's the anxiety talking and not facts. WebPetechiae are small, purpuric lesions up to 2mm across Ecchymoses or bruises are larger extravasations of blood. Causes of Petechiae in babies: Thousands collectively. Your doctor may suggest treatment to maintain a stable platelet count, taking into account the effects on your baby. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Since then I've suffered on and off with lesser pain in the SI joint (sometimes I do hobble around, for the first few years this was a more common issue), hips, spine, rib cage, and recently the right side of my breast bone becomes slightly to severely painful from time to time. Back on antidepressants due to anxiety and panic attacks, Pounding heart/palpitations driving me crazy, Anxious thoughts , doomsdaying about everything. Ive had petechiae in the past been to docs about it had blood work came back fine anyone else have this problem? He suggested a good moisturizer and a good diet. In this thread, people posted they don't have them, or they do & increased at CFS onset, or right before. Symptoms of Petechiae in babies: Immobility and intense crying that alternates with a great decay. Last reply 2 weeks ago. I have to get blood tests done soon anyway, so I'll know sooner or later if something's up besides my giant melon head being too much for one arm to support. By A lot of people have them, pretty sure it's genetics. I found multiple petechiae tracks in lines like this on my arm just now and remembered that earlier at the doctor the blood pressure cuff squeezed my arm there way tighter than I was used to. Review/update the I have not been diagnosed with EDS just familial hypermobility syndrome. They usually appear on your arms, legs, stomach, and buttocks. Theyll ask about your medical history, including any medications you take. Hopefully it'll blow over soon. I also recall for a time I was afraid of sneezing, because when I did, not only was it painful but I occasionally experienced my SI joints popping. Hmm, I didn't think anything of this. Thrombocytopenia often affects people with certain medical conditions, like autoimmune disease or who take certain medications. Accessed Feb. 21, 2019. Anyone figure out what caused the onslaught? By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following. However, common causes include injury to the skin or repeated coughing. If you have this condition, its important to understand why you have low platelet levels. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Theyll check for bruises, rashes and other thrombocytopenia symptoms. (My platelets were lower normal at one time, but were not low.) i have also had random petechiae spots showing up on all different parts of my body- always singular spots, never clustered, do not blanch, last about 2-3 days before fading, for about 2 months now. If you do, ask your healthcare provider if there are medications or activities you should avoid. Cognitive dysfunction, terrible muscle aches, extreme fatigue, awful sweats, joint pain and locking joints, two bouts with vertigo, insomnia, increased urination, dry skin, lack of sex drive (which has come back recently but was gone for half a year), headaches, etc. I also have several cherry angiomas on my trunk, arms, back and skull. Anybody else ever have this happen? Frustrating. The doctor and nurse practitioner both showed NO concern about the previous spots, but I'm very worried. B12/Folate deficiency is one of them. JavaScript is disabled. Accessed March 13, 2019. He prescribed me an ointment and they went away. This content does not have an English version. When I was thin, I would also get them on various parts of me if I slept on the floor. In most children with ITP, the disorder follows a viral illness, such as the mumps or the flu. as being in breach of those terms. Petechiae occur when the small blood vessels under the skin (capillaries) bleed into the skin. - My grandmother could touch the floor with her hands (not palms) when she was 75!! Rash and dark colored urine. Hi mamas. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2019. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. No idea why it's bugging me now - quarantine stress, stress over GP retiring, something else. I always get this, especially on my arm, where the strap to my purse or filled canvas grocery bag is resting on. other information we have about you. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. OK so let's connect some dots. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. At the time I was taking asp Pasted as rich text. You have a fever or other signs of infection. Have you found anything out? In adults, the disorder is often long term. 5 12 He did not think I have AS. A rare complication of immune thrombocytopenia is bleeding into the brain, which can be fatal. Following a complete lack of sensible diagnosis for the cause of either, I worked out that they were symptoms of over-exertion for me. - Teeth have always been hugely crowded, as I have a small mouth. I wish it didn't allow you to look up anything medical.. oh how free would a lot of us be. Im sure Im forgetting something, as forgetfulness is another complaint. Your healthcare provider can explain whats causing the low platelet count and discuss treatment options. WebPetechiae here and there really aren't too much of a concern. Palpable purpura is purpura than can be felt, due to inflammation of the blood vessels ( vasculitis) Pigmented purpura is a sign of petechial haemorrhages associated with capillaritis A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Ferri FF. Once both my legs were covered with them after I stood for a few hours in mildly abrasive pants. The bloods ability to clot depends on healthy blood platelets. Same as ever, still get patches occasionally but I've never had any blood test results that suggest anything wrong when I get yearly blood tests done or stuff like that. People just thought I'd had a crazy growth spurt but most kids are growing fast and don't get stretch marks. Bleeding that won't stop is a medical emergency. Just looking to commiserate with someone on the petechiae. include protected health information. Bottom line once your healthcare provider finds out why your platelet levels are low, theyll take steps to help you. A social anxiety forum is a place to connect with those who may have insight into your problems because they've "been in your shoes." Sounds normal to me. Anxiety & Panic Disorders; Arthritis; Breast Cancer; Chronic Illness; Crohn's Disease; Depression; Diabetes; Fibromyalgia; GERD & Acid Reflux; Irritable Bowel Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a disorder that can lead to easy or excessive bruising and bleeding. I have many cherry angiomas that pop up (can be small, but usually larger/raised and a bright red compared to the petechiae), that I've periodically had my dermatologist remove over the years -- especially on my trunk area. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Sounds like yours go away, I have new ones every day that pop up the old ones will fade after a few days but I pick at them basically dig my finger nail in them and they go away but then I'm left with a red mark it's horrible not knowing, I'm not sure what's more frustrating.. me never having em go away or you having em go then come back. Typically, straining will cause the dots to appear on the upper area of your body including the neck and shoulders. Now Im in complete panic mode. The most common symptoms associated with anxiety include, but arent limited to: Persistent restlessness or nervousness. Have questions about navigating your Inspire support community or need assistance from one of our Inspire Moderators? Unfortunately I dont remember. So, my best guess is that petechiae may be associated with B12/folate deficiency, since it has helped in my case. My wife has the same issue. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition, Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter Digital Edition, DVT (deep vein thrombosis) prevention and treatment. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Anxiety every day and when its over I cry uncontrollably. Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Orthopedic issues (bones, joints, and muscles), Allergy, immunology & mast cell disorders. I had explained this to my first rheumatologist but he'd brushed it off. AskMayoExpert. Click here for an email preview. I also have very small pinpoint like red spots on my arms, chest, and legs that do in fact blanch and have been there for years. When they do occur, they may include: Make an appointment with your doctor if you or your child develops warning signs that worry you. i went to my doctor who did a cbc and said the blood was perfect all my levels and such where as he said fantastic i showed him some of the spots and he kind of had a smerk and said he couldnt answer my question but it was probably a skin issue and not domething caused by an internal problem , i told him they dont go away and he said again its nothing serious from what he can see. Really, it is just broken capillaries under the skincan be caused by trauma (ie sports).
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