I listened to YW live once, it confirmed what I implied and that was my last one. Orchestra and chamber music players should be correctly dressed, I suggested visiting one of the last proper tailors left in London, which my family have used for over 200 years. Also, Yuja Wang hides in plain sight in her livery. How tall is Yuja Wang? Anyway, I dont think Wang is equal to Argerich at the same age. Difficult (but wonderful) concerto no matter what youre wearing. In again other words: there is enough body in the music to make it a very real emotional experience. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Geezis Christ, shes one ofif not THE greatest female pianist on the planet!?! No thanks. These articles are always written about women, yet, the male soloists and conductors long ago dropped wearing tails and their attire ranges from the flamboyant to the casual, they post pictures of their workout routines on their social media in a transparent attempt to show off their bodies, and nobody says a word when they completely let their bodies go. But it does not mean we have the right to ignore the possible negative effects some of our actions may have on our audience. It helped his playing meant nothing. Vida familiar [ editar | editar cdigo-fonte] Wang nasceu numa famlia de msicos. Argerich. Actually, I think it looks ridiculous. She didnt play in her undies. Besides Those are not undies. The notion that what we see might distract from music, rather than shape our experience of it, stems from a centuries-old division of body and mind, physicality and rationality, that claims classical music as purely cerebral stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGa5qi-kBSE. Perhaps, as someone has noted, a radio broadcast would be the best solution to end the debate. At the age of 26 she has already performed in all the great concert halls, stunned the world with her blazing YouTube performances, made her debut recording with Claudio Abbado and the Mahler. Does their radiance get in the way of appreciating a play or a movie? alexanderwangAlexander WangAlexander wang I really want the music. (Scientific proof). Yuja Wang is the world's greatest classical pianist. So what? Yuja Wang & Gautier Capuon present new recording of Rachmaninoff's Sonata for Piano and Cello. Maybe educate yourself on how to not sexualise women because of their choice of clothing then, Phillip. Thats on you. Its the pianism that counts. There are also emergency grants that students can apply for, and the center also provides temporary and/or emergency . a glossy black piano never fits the wooden stage? Dr. Ege Africa themed dresses are well-thought/tasteful and matches the music she plays that night. And I wish that the dresses she likes would have aligned with the dresses no one points out, but now it is not so. She is obviously choosing clothes based on what makes her feel most like herself, and when she feels good, like herself, she plays better. Yuja Wangs clothing is unsensitive and disrespectful, thus it poses some dificulties if you are supposed to talk about it in a sensitive and respectful way. You are our guest. If at a concert your eyes dominant your ears, than maybe yes. I guess she feels she cant do it, though, fully dressed. Shes already 30 cant be too many more years of the skimpy outfits left. Madam, go to Dunmore & Locke, you wont find them online, they are the last great bespoke tailors in St.James, all the others do outsourcing to HK, China, Italy & India. Finally, I am amused by the fact that certain commenters here describe her as beautiful naturally, de gustibus non est disputandum, but THIS is your idea of beautiful woman ? At NSO she was bored, disengaged. Well, I love Yuga Wang and I love the clothes she wears. Very glad to have read the article, though: (a) because of the anecdote about Ruth Gipps and (b) because of the link to her obituary. and arbitrariness. Ive seen her at the Wiener Konzerthaus and the only thing which staggered me was her facility with pedalling in high stiletto heals. And Thank You for YOUR contribution to music in Manhattan and music in general with your delightful playing. . Her playing still leaves me cold although shes come a long way over the years. The reason she chooses to dress that way is, quite simply, because she can just like a child who will eat nothing but candy, if left unsupervised. There she was, aged 15, living alone in the USA - and found herself being stuck into the next pigeonhole. Once, it was winter, and at a cold theater in my city, she changed her clothes for the second part of the program, to use something like a black bathsuit. Theres been a lot of comment here which, to my mind at least, rather misses the point. Membership benefits will include a daily digest of stories delivered to your email, and occasional exclusive offers from our partners. Well, I guess we got use to Madonna and others that followed that sort of dress code. Little wonder young people are so utterly messed up they feel forced to engage in sex because they are surrounded by overtly sexualised morons who trade their titillation for recognition. You want ride on a merry-go-round of semsntics, have fun. Two young dudebros next to me leaned over the side of the balcony and watched her like cartoon wolves for the entire 25 minutes. People fear her openness because they are jealous and so purged by so called tradition it impales rational thought and congruity. But its such a small thing. We can wait. With his flowing capes and sequined red shoes. Heard Yuja do Prok 2nd live with the Philadelphia Orchestra years ago when she first started to become known. (Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times) On paper, pianist Yuja Wang's recital Sunday. It is always refreshing to see that human evolution does not proceed on one track. Which makes sense, as L.A. is kind of superficial and more visual. People have too much time in their hands if something like this makes them feel uneasy. Greatness is not determined by politics. She can wear whatever she wants. If music is the point, you dont need to see anything. So by your logic presumably any particularly attractive performers should have bad hair cuts and wear unfashionable spectacles so as not to uglify themselves so were not distracted? Excellent concert. Known for her charismatic artistry and captivating stage presence, Yuja Wang is one of the world's most celebrated pianists. Get to know the critically acclaimed musician and her advice for young artists. She is a great artist indeed. Everything in the musical arts has become increasingly visual, catering to our jaded senses. Surely her performance of that on the piano would be truly amazing. Ultimately, shes in the entertainment business, just like the Kardashians are. I suppose next in line for silly criticism is Khatia Buniatishvili with her low cut top which would not suit Yuja, with her characteristic deep bow to the audience, lest something fall out. 38 - I. Allegro non troppo Gautier Capuon, Yuja Wang & Johannes Brahms 3. as long as Mirga doesnt appear in her undies..well,nothing to see hereLOL. And by the way, I attended a recital by Ms. Wang and she totally drew my attention to the music she was playing. What gives you the authority to speak for male listeners? We have the BEST Chinese always hadand she knows what the public wants. The inability to talk about Wangs clothing in a sensitive and respectful way reveals damaging and longstanding assumptions around women and their dress on the classical stage.. 2. However, like every other news site, we have costs to bear and are urging readers to help share them. !l Shes a living doll and she plays magnificently. Official Account. 3,216 talking about this. Indeed.! SFCM. Just in: Tchaikovsky Competition is expelled from world body, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMQ4JicUs1A, Spanish violinist wins Berlin Philharmonic seat. Just close your eyes and listen to it. She (or her management) is smart enough to know that her playing isnt particularly interesting or special, so she does what she can to stay in the spotlight. Its just a piece of cloth, but once its on my body, it boosts my confidence, and that translates to the music.. But I guess this is what Mr. Lebrecht intended. Musician living life with curiosity & passion. Interesting how much the image of Michael Bojesen on this very same page does fit to the expectations the 60+ have of the dressing of a serious classical musician. Closer to the present, you might have mentioned Lilli Krauss, Martha Argerich (who is still wowing audiences at age 80), Helene Grimaud and Guiomar Novaes, among others. Close your eyes and think about England. It feels almost like Regitheater in opera things like Tristan and Isolde singing a love-hate duet in the first act with peolpe copuating eller defecating in the bakground. A certain portion of her audience has the ability to appreciate her talent. As a nudist myself, Ive nurtured a secret hope that one of these days, maybe before she turns forty, Yuja will take her sartorial proclivities to their logical extreme and perform at least one concert, preferably a large number of concerts, entirely without clothing (and preferably with grown-out axillary and pubic hair as well, since the shaving of body hair can be considered a falsification of the natural body in the same way that wearing clothes is). Astonishing, really, and such artists seem truly superhuman to me. But musically right, anyway. As you said, nut cases politicize everything. After that there is nothing to suspect just listen and, if you are so inclined, form your opinion about what you are hearing. She stated that to her, it was a matter of mood. Just in: Russia slashes its TV culture channel, Sad news: Americas foremost Verdi scholar has died, Spanish violinist wins Berlin Philharmonic seat. (And note that Im not counting the opera stage, only the concert stage.). ), Just here for the comments from the triggered folks Yuja Wang is an excellent pianist who understands the mechanisms of celebrity. Watch out prudes, or the classical music we all love so much will dry up and blow away, with local orchestras closing while you proudly note how they remained stodgy to the end. Yuja got praiseworthy reviews and dress was ignored in passing. Arlene always brings her enforcer with her, just in case! War mongering, honor killing and slavery also have venerable histories. She played with urgency, brilliance, color, energy, and emotion. Two questions immediately spring to my mind: Critics and pundits who moan the death of classical music should be thrilled that Wang can sell out the National Symphonys monthly Friday noon-time concert like she did this week. Common sense, once again, from Mr Borstlap. Am I the little boy pointing at the (almost) nude piano player here or a kind of reversal of thatpointing out she has a good body for radio. Thank you for sharing. or so years ago. One of our readers in the audience gives this description of her outfit: 'all black,. Lebrecht is right. I will let you know how it goes. Makes you want to go to confession at intermission to ask forgiveness for your performance not being 100%! (Not that she will be interested in you guys even she is straight!) There is no shortage of beautiful female actresses, some of whom are or were supreme artists. The whole orchestra is the star, you prick. Its her schtick and Im predicting shes trying it on with ever more outrageous livery; watch that space!! Nope. Sheesh. When: 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday (Piano Concerto No. I dont believe that Ms. Wang made any record that can be included into the Legend category. Yuja Wang Illuminates Ravel and Gershwin. In other words: classical music has loads of sensuality in it to be experienced, but in a stylized way, so that it is accessible to anybody with enough perceptive abilities. The Russian [romantic] stuff, especially in my twenties. If I were to read anything related to theconcert, it would be about the music. I think that the only reason is Yuja Wangs musical genius. Its very creepy and weird! This is our concert. Really! Maybe three at the most. Ive been there. Pianist Yuja Wang visited SFCM for a master class in April. Its just an outfit best suited for her when she was younger. You got it! And as far as the audience getting use to it? How refreshing. How Oakland University Uses YuJa's Robust Suite of Ed-Tech Tools to Enhance Instruction Across Live, Hybrid and Hyflex Courses "YuJa has been an ideal partner in helping make sure the platform is a success at our campus for our faculty, students, and those who support it." We do recommend YuJa, and our instructional design team does as well. She brightens up the World! Definitely would like a front row seat for this one. Ive attended a number of her concerts in NYC her Hammerklavier was a fiasco (especially when compared to Murray Perahias Olympian rendition of the same work a week before). Take a break! TO BE PRESENT AT A PERFORMANCE BY THE GREATEST PIANIST IN HISTORY IS TO EXPERIENCE THE TOTALITY OF THE YUJA EFFECT IN ALL ITS GLORY !!!!! And to do so, Wang has been painted as a naive, lost individual who has had neither time nor guidance to acquire perspective, and is consequently being used as tinsel by more experienced, expert (male) musicians. I get an extra thick one that can absorb all the drool when I lure at women. Her concert attire does not tell us anything about the quality of her playing; it does not prove that she lacks talent. Her outrageous duds have nothing to do with that. FWIW. by Yuja Wang & Simn Bolvar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela & Gustavo Dudamel. A competent seamstress (is that word still allowed?) In music, that is not the case. If shes sufficiently immature to want to be deliberately provocative, its best to ignore the display and focus on the music. Mutter still wears off-the-shoulder, but people no longer find it distracting from her artistry. Repeating the same statement without supporting it with any credible evidence does not make it true. Mrquez: Danzn No. Enjoy your solitude. A true musician draws attention to the music she performs, but Ms. Wangs couture (i.e., what little there is of it) makes it impossible for her male listeners to do anything other than deal with the fantasies that her visuals inevitably conjure up. To appreciate a musical performance, obviously the looks are irrelevant. There is a great deal of this. SHE will tell YOU how it is going to go down.Gettit, stuffy?? She doesnt make crappy videos like Lang Lang or kitschy CDs. I only care about her music he is uneven, but very talented, certainly will be more constant in a few years. Moronic comments. She doesnt have it. CD: $11.98 MP3: $5.99. Yuja Wang, Arturo Mrquez. This concert curated by Nico Muhly is supported by the Paul L. and Phyllis Wattis Endowment for New Music. Another extremity, we need dress code enforcement. Transcribed by Gmez-Tagle for Piano. However, if your eye has somehow complemented what has entered your ear and brain to process, how could that accompaniment be so horrible?!? Visit her on www.yujawang.com, on www.twitter.com/yujawang. Among several outstanding performances I attended by her, Prokofiev Piano Concerto 3 with Abbado is equalled only by Argerich. Yuja Wang is one of the best contemporary pianists in the World and of one does not like the way she dresses then one can listen to her recordings or close their eyes.
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