J Radiat Res (Tokyo). More data are available regarding opinions on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields [3]. Reduction of Phosphorylated Synapsin I (Ser-553) leads to spatial memory impairment by attenuating GABA release after microwave exposure in Wistar rats. millimeter, or equivalently. Hardell L, Carlberg M, Mild KH, Eriksson M. Case-control study on the use of mobile and cordless phones and the risk for malignant melanoma in the head and neck region. Numerous mechanisms can activate oxidative stress, including electromagnetic radiation, and thereby cause molecular damage. 2010;2010. J Natl Cancer Inst. Functional plasticity is affected in other ways, including the abnormal release and uptake of brain amino acids such as choline and monoamine neurotransmitters, a decrease in excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitudes and spikes in long-term potentiating (LTP) in the medial perforated pathway (MPP) in the dentate gyrus (DG) [27]. Am J Epidemiol. Of the numerous studies performed to explore the effects of mobile communication devices on humans, only a few have shown that cell phones and brain tumors are statistically correlated. Joubert V, Bourthoumieu S, Leveque P, Yardin C. Apoptosis is induced by radiofrequency fields through the caspase-independent mitochondrial pathway in cortical neurons. Oto R, Akda Z, Dada S, Celik Y. Neuroreport. Previous studies have produced a large amount of information, and some progress has been made in theory, but the mechanisms have not yet been fully determined, and many points are still disputed. Eliyahu I, Luria R, Hareuveny R, Margaliot M, Meiran N, Shani G. Effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellular telephones on the cognitive functions of humans. Sleep EEG alterations: effects of pulsed magnetic fields versus pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Blood biochemical parameters of the radio-link station. Schz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Risks for central nervous system diseases among mobile phone subscribers: a Danish retrospective cohort study. Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation. Microwaves can influence mitochondria by damaging their structure [45], reducing ATP levels and affecting the activity of relevant enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and cytochrome coxidase (COX) [119,120,121]. Acetylcholine: cognitive and brain functions. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. Most of the workers recovered when they left the source of microwave radiation. 2014:125. 2007;34:146779. Neurotoxicology. The ionotropic receptors consist of NMDA receptors and non-NMDA receptors. Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, initiated the first tests on microwaved food and microwave cooking to determine how microwaves affect human physiology and the blood. 2000;6:18793. In the population with occupational exposure, proper protective measures should be taken to avoid unnecessary harm. Bioelectromagnetics. Int J Radiat Biol. Is nuclear respiratory factor 2 a master transcriptional coordinator for all ten nuclear-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunits in neurons? Cobb BL, Jauchem JR, Adair ER. 2009;63:10106. Microwaves are widely used in households, industry, communications, and medical and military buildings, and they provide substantial contributions to the development of human society. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015;36:4804. Othman H, Ammari M, Sakly M, Abdelmelek H. Effects of prenatal exposure to WIFI signal (2.45 GHz) on postnatal development and behavior in rat: influence of maternal restraint. Springer Nature. Mosconi L, Tsui WH, Rusinek H, De Santi S, Li Y, Wang GJ, et al. For example, people who have used mobile phones for more than 10years have a clearly higher risk of brain tumors. Using a ring resonator notch filter for optical carrier reduction and modulation depth enhancement in radio-over-fiber links. Among the variety of neurotransmitters, glutamate is the most abundant endogenous amino acid in the mammalian central nervous system. Decreased synthesis of acetylcholine accompanying impaired oxidation of pyruvic acid in rat brain minces. However, there was no change in the frequency of AMPA mEPSCs or the amplitudes of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) mEPSCs. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. Scientific, technical publications in the nuclear field | IAEA Merola P, Marino C, Lovisolo G, Pinto R, Laconi C, Negroni A. Google Scholar. Thus, these results suggest that the 2.4W/kg GSM 1800MHz microwaves may reduce excitatory synaptic activity and the number of excitatory synapses in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Clin Neurophysiol. Mobile phone use and risk of tumors: a meta-analysis. Neurobiol Learn Mem. In a report by the Poland Department of Microwave Safety, occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields was analyzed in the work environment of personnel of 204 devices divided into 5 groups (surface-to-air missile system radars, aircraft and helicopters, communication devices, surveillance and height finder radars, airport radars and radio navigation systems). Chandrasekaran K, Hatanp K, Rapoport SI, Brady DR. Lymphatic Systems: Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions occur in the lymphatic system, causing a degeneration of the body's ability to . SAR Value There are guidelines internationally for short term exposure to cell phone frequency microwaves, defined in terms of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), the rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to radio frequency radiation. Maternal exposure to Wi-Fi radio frequencies led to various adverse neurological effects in the offspring. Behav Brain Res. 2006;5:389. Glucose is the main energy source and is closely related to brain neurotransmitters and cholesterol synthesis [106]. Xiong et al. Qutob et al. After 28days, the levels of Glu and Tau in the hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid were lower, indicating that the cognitive damage induced by microwave radiation is associated with a decrease in Glu [66, 67]. To investigate the effects of 2.4GHz Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration in rats, a cross-modal visual-tactile object recognition (CMOR) task was performed by four variations of the spontaneous object recognition (SOR) test including the standard SOR, tactile SOR, visual SOR, and CMOR tests. The results showed that 2.1GHz W-CDMA-modulated microwave radiation did not cause apoptotic cell death but altered cell cycle progression [79]. Qiao et al. Behav Brain Res. Mitochondria morphologic changes and metabolic effects of rat hippocampus after microwave irradiation. Effect of microwave radiation on learning and memory. Durkin TP, Messier C, de Boer P, Westerink B. The frequencies of these devices are listed in Table1. Cellular telephones and cancera nationwide cohort study in Denmark. [78] exposed differentiated astroglial cells that were cultured for 14days in vitro to either continuous 900MHz waves or 900MHz waves modulated in amplitude at 50Hz using a sinusoidal wave form and 100% modulation index for 5, 10, or 20min. as it have a harmful side. Spatial memory and learning performance and its relationship to protein synthesis of Swiss albino mice exposed to 10 GHz microwaves. In epidemiology, there is no conclusive evidence showing that microwaves have carcinogenic effects. Handheld cellular telephone use and risk of brain cancer. California Privacy Statement, Abe M, Bonini NM. Riedel G, Platt B, Micheau J. Glutamate receptor function in learning and memory. Role of distinct NMDA receptor subtypes at central synapses. Li Z, Peng RY, Wang SM, Wang LF, Gao YB, Ji D, et al. Brain Res. After exposure to microwave radiation, during synaptic structural plasticity, presynaptic vesicles accumulate or empty, mitochondria are damaged, postsynaptic membranes are perforated, postsynaptic lengths and postsynaptic density distributions are abnormal, mossy fiber growth is inhibited during learning and memory functions, dendritic filopodial densities and activities are decreased, and there is a significant reduction of the dendritic spine density and dendritic fragment length [62]. PubMed In the rat hippocampus, glucose uptake plays an important role in spatial learning and memory processes. At present, due to a general consensus that the most significant parameter for . Othman H, Ammari M, Rtibi K, Bensaid N, Sakly M, Abdelmelek H. Postnatal development and behavior effects of in-utero exposure of rats to radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional WiFi devices. Impairment of long-term potentiation induction is essential for the disruption of spatial memory after microwave exposure. The study also showed that exposure to GSM microwaves at 915MHz did not induce detectable DNA double-strand breaks but affected the expression of genes in rat brain cells. Chizhenkova R. Slow potentials and spike unit activity of the cerebral cortex of rabbits exposed to microwaves. The acute effects of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones on human attention. The rats in the study showed increases in spatial memory and glucose transporters, and this phenomenon indicated a corresponding increase in glucose uptake. The effects of microwave radiation on protein synthesis in brain remain undetermined. 1988;9:33745. 2000;284:30017. The hippocampus plays roles in learning and memory, and the results of these studies suggest that the deficits in learning and memory functions observed after exposure to microwave irradiation might be due to abnormalities induced in hippocampal structures. However, with its popularization, increasing attention has been paid to its influence on humans. Then that poisonous acid harms the kidneys and nervous system. However, these experimental results remain to be supported in repeated experiments [40,41,42]. Many adversarial effects on health causes by electromagnetic. 1993;13:41322. Ito K, Hirao A, Arai F, Takubo K, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto K, et al. Researchers have also used the 12-arm maze test on rats to test spatial working ability after exposure to 2.45GHz pulse microwave radiation. Mortazavi S, Rouintan M, Taeb S, Dehghan N, Ghaffarpanah A, Sadeghi Z, et al. Lai et al. After exposure to microwave irradiation (an average power density of 30mW/m2 for 5min/d on five days a week for two consecutive months), the expression of NR2B was decreased in rats, the level of Glu was increased in the hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid, spatial memory ability was decreased among rats with the TT genotype, and there was no change in the CC type and TC type animals. Mobile phone use facilitates memory in male, but not female, subjects. 2007;27:6024. Mortazavi et al. Shahin S, Banerjee S, Singh SP, Chaturvedi CM. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 300MHz to 300GHz. Nuclear pyknosis and capillary congestion are also observed. In the group treated with 0.8W/kg, there was no significant change. ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one. [58] exposed volunteers to microwaves at a frequency of 450MHz for 10 repeated intervals of 1min of irradiation and 1min off. 1 GHz and 300 GHz. 2016;25:31827. 2014;70:84555. The results demonstrated the ability of electric magnetic field (EMF) to influence plasma melatonin and serotonin concentrations in radar workers. The article's subject is the investigation of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of the microwave frequency band in a typical human living environment, especially in shielded areas. 1 of 41 Harmful effects of microwaves on living beings Oct. 04, 2015 4 likes 4,519 views Download Now Download to read offline Environment The presentation proves beyond any doubt, the harmful affects of microwaves and radio frequency waves on humans and other living beings Padmanabhan Krishnan Follow Dr. Additionally, Larjabaara et al. Behav Brain Res. Zhang et al. Cell Biochem Biophys. The strength of the electric field (rms value) at the sample position was 10V/m. Terms and Conditions, Cookies policy. Calabr E, Condello S, Curr M, Ferlazzo N, Caccamo D, Magaz S, et al. Singh S, Mani KV, Kapoor N. Effect of occupational EMF exposure from radar at two different frequency bands on plasma melatonin and serotonin levels. Identification of a novel rat nr2b subunit gene promoter region variant and its association with microwave-induced neuron impairment. J Med Food. . 1984;4:285665. Standard devices used by military personnel that may pose electromagnetic hazards include radars and missile systems. Neurosci Lett. Microwave radiation can cause tissue damage by inducing localized microstructural damage to proteins [86, 87]. When nerve endings are excited, the vesicles release their contents into the synaptic cleft, resulting in synaptic transmission. Does MW radiation affect gene expression, apoptotic level, and cell cycle progression of human sh-sy5y neuroblastoma cells? A large amount of heat can be generated to caused severe damage to the body. The experimental rats were divided into six groups of 3 adult rats and 3 young rats in each group (with control, GSM alone and call-receiving subgroups in each group). [80] found that irradiation with 900MHz, 2W/kg continuous microwaves for 24h induced an increase in rat neuronal apoptosis. Regional cerebral glucose uptake in the 3xTG model of Alzheimer's disease highlights common regional vulnerability across AD mouse models. Nat Med. Since mobile phones are used in positions very close to the human body and require a large [27] found that college students visual reaction times were significantly shorter after 10min of phone-induced microwave radiation. Richter ED, Berman T, Levy O. miRNAs are non-coding sequences with a length of approximately 22 nucleotides that have roles in cell development and differentiation and are also linked to signal transduction and tumorigenesis. In the cell experiments, the T allele was significantly more vulnerable to microwaves than the C allele with regard to its transcription factor binding ability and the transcriptional activity and mRNA and protein expression of NR2B. [42] found similar results. To determine the precise dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, further detailed studies must be performed. In communications, the microwaves come from mobile phones and their base stations and microwave links, in addition to cordless phones, terrestrial trunked radios, blue tooth devices, wireless local area networks and many other applications. [1] used 10 freely moving rats in which carbon electrodes were implanted in the cortex and dorsomedial hypothalamus. Chin J Indus Hyg. Neuroreport. Alterations of cognitive function and 5-HT system in rats after long term microwave exposure. 2006;12:44651. Stahlhut Espinosa CE, Slack FJ. JAMA. This effect is similar to the decrease observed in NR2B in rats. Gold PE. In 43% of devices, military personnel are not exposed to an electromagnetic field. They summarized the characteristics and functions of hippocampus-related miRNAs following irradiation with microwaves, and these data laid a foundation that clarified the molecular mechanisms underlying microwave-induced injury to hippocampal learning and memory and suggested potential therapeutic targets. The final apoptosis score in the exposed group was significantly reduced, and the total antioxidant capacity and catalysis observed in the experimental group was increased. The results showed that gestational Wi-Fi exposure and restraint adversely affected offspring neurodevelopment and behavior in adulthood. [104] found that exposure to a 1.9GHz pulse-modulated RF field for 4h at 0.1, 1.0, and 10W/kg did not affect gene expression in U87MG glioblastoma cells. Wang H, Peng R, Zhao L, Wang S, Gao Y, Wang L, et al. Specifically, the Federal Communications . Research continues on possible biological effects of exposure to RF/MW radiation from radios, cellular phones, the processing and cooking of foods, heat . Koch C, Zador A. [41] exposed rats to 2.45GHz microwaves (2 pulse width, 500 pps, and SAR 0.6W/kg) for 45min and found that microwave-induced behavioral alterations measured by Lai had more to do with factors related to performance bias than to spatial working memory. 2015;51:15865. Qutob S, Chauhan V, Bellier P, Yauk C, Douglas G, Berndt L, et al. In particular, somatization, obsessive compulsivity, paranoid ideation and psychoticism were reported [17]. Most studies have suggested that microwave radiation can cause EEG abnormalities in experimental animals and participants, but some negative results have also been reported in studies using low-power microwaves. In broadcasting, the sources of microwaves are mainly FM radio and TV broadcasting antennas, which produce frequencies ranging from 80 to 800MHz. Electromagn Biol Med. Fragopoulou AF, Samara A, Antonelou MH, Xanthopoulou A, Papadopoulou A, Vougas K, et al. 2015;140:23646. Effects of isothermal 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the mammalian cell Ci ihff fihl2MHdifdi i Bi l h. C Spr '05 Inan, OT Thermal effects of RF he above diagram depicts the electric field alternations, at a frequency f, of the increased with the growing in the number of devices that used the Microwave frequencies in. 2013;32:27380. J Sleep Res. Google Scholar. J Neurosci Methods. Correspondence to Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Kizil G, Kizil M, Cakir DU, Yokus B. 2006;165:63644. Exposure of rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression but not double stranded DNA breaks or effects on chromatin conformation. & Hu, XJ. Int J Radiat Biol. Lee TM, Ho SM, Tsang LY, Yang SY, Li LS, Chan CC. Therefore, the central nervous system is considered one of the most sensitive organs that is targeted by microwave radiation [1, 2]. J Mol Neurosci. Annu Rev Physiol. Bad impacts a microwave has on our daily lives. 1999;75:44756. Dasdag et al. Kan P, Simonsen SE, Lyon JL, Kestle JR. Cellular phone use and brain tumor: a meta-analysis. Myung SK, Ju W, McDonnell DD, Lee YJ, Kazinets G, Cheng CT, et al. 2010;1347:17985. One reason for this difference may be that the water maze experiment is driven by aversion, whereas the arm maze experiment is driven by appetite. However, to date, with the exception of high-power microwave radiation, which has widely established hazardous effects, the biological effects of microwaves remain controversial. 2013;23:306. 2012;62:22336. The microwave will do its intended job of heating and will start to burn (or cook) the skin tissue. Abnormality of synaptic vesicular associated proteins in cerebral cortex and hippocampus after microwave exposure. However, Li et al. Srinivasan R. Anatomical constraints on source models for high-resolution EEG and MEG derived from MRI. Calabr E, Magaz S. Inspections of mobile phone microwaves effects on proteins secondary structure by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. 1 Microwave radiation may also lead to skin cancer/health problems when we are within the radius of a cell phone tower in a certain specified limited distance. J Radiat Proc. Per the FDA, the microwave can heat human skin. [103] found that microwave radiation caused DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks in vivo in populations submitted to occupational exposure, and the incidence of micronuclei in lymphocytes was significantly increased. The largest problem in these studies is that they used different parameters, such as the frequency, modulation, power density and irradiation time, to apply microwave radiation, in addition to using a variety of research methods. The central nervous system, especially the hippocampus, is highly sensitive to microwave radiation [43, 44]. 2008;49:16370. In long-term epidemiological investigations of large population with occupational exposure, the results have not been consistent. CAS Mack A, Georg T, Kreis P, Eickholt BJ. Kwon MS, Vorobyev V, Knnl S, Laine M, Rinne JO, Toivonen T, et al. Biological effects of 2450 MHz microwave combined with -rays on rat cultured gliacytes. It has been reported that microwave radiation can induce lipid peroxidation of cell membranes and produce apoptotic signals [74, 75]. These conclusions are presented in Table2. [62] irradiated Wistar rats, hippocampal synaptosomes and differentiated PC12 cells using microwaves (average power density, 30mW/cm2) for 5min, and the results showed that the post-exposure spatial memory of the rats was significantly decreased, the post-exposure levels of phosphorylated synapsin I (p-synapsin I) and GABA were decreased in the rat and cell experiments, and the post-exposure levels of vesicular GABA transporter and p-synapsin I were increased in small clear synaptic vesicles (which were abnormally assembled in presynaptic terminals) in the rat experiments. Effect of 900 MHz radio frequency radiation on beta amyloid protein, protein carbonyl, and malondialdehyde in the brain. 2008;86:718. Effect on human attention of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones. Int J Occup Environ Health. It is widely accepted that protein synthesis occurs in neuronal dendrites and may be the cellular basis of learning and memory, during which local protein synthesis and synaptic plasticity are closely linked to the efficiency of communication between neurons. 2006;27:295306. Toxicol Sci. 2002;64:31353. [61] found that after pregnant rats were irradiated with 9.417GHz microwaves, the behavior of their offspring differed, and the outcome was sex-dependent. By using this website, you agree to our Am J Epidemiol. The progeny brain oxidative balance and serum biochemistry, such as phosphorus, magnesium, glucose, triglycerides and calcium levels, were disrupted [60].